Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Red painting

I was stressed. I was tired. I was angry. Maybe a little sleep deprived, would be surprised if not. I've been having the desire to paint for a while. This evening the vessel overflowed. At midnight I pulled out my paints, canvas and without planning, just started painting out my emotions.
I really paid a lot of attention to textures and not a lot to the contents, but I love the result either way! These swirls that formed the number of the beast are the most adorable.

I've been playing a lot of Skyrim VR recently, so here anxiety materialized as a warlock, creating crystals??? Or something along these lines. Someone sees a shrimp here. What do you see?

Discovery of Propellerhead Reason 10

I was sick and couldn't sing for 2 weeks.
The illness coincided with a long Thanksgiving weekend.
I started Propellerhead Reason 10 Trial. I loved it so much that bought the next day. Maybe I was sick and rushed, but the deed is done.

Decided that it was time to learn how to write EBM/Industrial tracks. Started experimenting. Oh how I missed this.
No quite there, but I find it interesting to recollect the progression. Too often we see only the end result and not the process. I definitely worry a lot that my music sucks and expect it to magically turn out a hit one day, without being prepared for hard work, dedication and PATIENCE. Not cööl!

Just imagine, 3 tries and I have a neat solid track (composition-wise). Also, it gets easier as things build up on each other. It's the same beat. Yes, I like it very much.
I definitely spent more time searching for the track name than composing its music. And times more time was spent on mixing it. I think I recorded it total in 30-60 minutes, longest making the guitar sound OK and then a week just mixing. Just. Mixing. For a week. It would cost $50, but I legitimately waster 7 evenings of my life on it. Damn, this is an accomplishment I guess. Please, don't blatantly tell me it sounds like crap now, at least prepare me.
Now, relax and let this Tomentous sound embrace you:

Room acoustic treatment for dummies

It is not very difficult to find articles about acoustic treatment for various purposes.
I need to decide, what I want to do with my life music:
  1. Vocal recording
  2. Demo mixing
  3. Soundproofing to stop annoying neighbors and require them to be silent during recording sessions

My current setup pretty much is just a 2 channel listening room, and I am almost convinced to do final recordings at a professional studio.
From http://realtraps.com/art_room-setup.htm:
1) "You'll get the flattest low frequency response by sitting 38 percent of the way back in the room"
This is why I can walk between my table and the wall now.

2) "The speakers and listening position should be at the points of an equilateral triangle, and loudspeakers should be aimed at the listener's head in the prime seat."

There is noticeable difference in sound, if I just put my hands behind the ears. Sounds much clearer, as reflections are ruled out. So, bass traps are required (read more on ehomerecordingstudio.com). 

I started my investigation by looking at professional products: 2 options - foam or panel traps.
Ideally I'd need to cover 3 corners in my case: 2 wall corners in the front and wall-ceiling corner in the rear
1) Amazon: 1 panel costs $115. So ~$1k
2) Amazon: $439 - for just 2 pieces seriously?
Or a cheaper version: still, $43 for 4 pieces, I'd need 24 (or more?), but not sure how well those would work.

An even better option is rigid fiberglass$92.00 + $45.19 shipping for pack of 12

Then I realized that I already have something that can fill the space, namely two folding mattresses like that: Portable-High-Density..lalala...
This is what I have currently as my bass traps for mixing demos
:D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After researching all these steps I decided to find a professional studio to record vocals and get final mix done :D